Are you verified on GMB and Apple Maps? If not, it’s time to get started. If you are a small business owner and you consistently operate on a local level, GMB and Apple Maps verification and listings are more important than ever. Here’s why.

If you’re Google Verified – Your SEO Will Increase
Being verified allows users searching to see direct information about your business such as your hours, location, services, and reviews all in one place. – If you are not Google verified it can easily display information that does not align with your business.
If you’re unsure of your verification status, contact a local marketing agency to assist you in the remaining steps of becoming verified.
The Importance of Apple Maps

By being verified with GMB you’re automatically aligned with Google Maps. However, it’s entirely different than Apple Maps. Apple maps are the primary map app that all iPhone individuals use. Therefore, if an iPhone user is using their maps application to find your business, the chances of the listing showing up are slim. By verifying your business through Apple Maps and GMB, all users are going to have a better chance at finding, navigating to, and exploring your business.
You Might Have to Wait
Once you complete the verification process for your Apple Maps and GMB listing, you might have to wait an additional five business days before your changes are reflected online. This time window allows app developers to finalize and authorize your verification claim.
Becoming verified on GMB and Apple Maps is an easy process. However, if you’re extremely busy, not tech-savvy we recommended connecting with a local marketing agency to do the process for you. Luckily our team offers this service at an affordable and competitive rate. We provide open and honest communication during the duration of the entire process.