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mobile optimization mistakes Chester, IL

Mobile View Optimization Mistakes for Your Chester, IL Business Website

mistakes when doing mobile optimization for website Chester, IL

One of the most important aspects of having a website is ensuring that it is properly optimized for mobile viewing. Many search engines prioritize ranking websites higher based on how optimized they are on mobile screens. Many businesses in Chester, IL make the mistake of never trying to optimize, while others may try to but do not handle optimizations properly. While there are many ways mobile optimization can go wrong when creating a website, in this blog post we would like to share some important ones to look out for.

Slow Mobile Loading Times

A big mistake that Chester, IL businesses can often make when creating a website for their business is not trying to ensure a fast-loading time. In this day in age, people are less likely to stick around and wait for a website to load. You want your website to load on any device as soon as possible as that large majority of people who will rather not wait are more likely to go to your competitor’s website if theirs loads faster than your website dose. For fast loading for mobile viewing, it is important to find ways to keep file sizes down. There are tools that can help you keep track of your website’s overall speed to help you determine if it is loading fast or not. Your website will bring you much more success if it loads fast on mobile devices.

Intrusive Pop-Ups

Some websites will feature pop-ups which can be used for explaining information or give users a notice about something, however, it is important that if these pop-ups are going to be on your website that they are not intrusive on mobile view. Some users may find it hard to navigate your website if there is a large pop-up on the screen, they are having a hard time closing out of. This is such an issue that many search engines actually penalize sites that have intrusive pop-ups on mobile view. To avoid being penalized and to ensure mobile users can navigate your website, minimize the pop-up’s and make them easy to close out of and ensure they do not take up the entire screen.

Bad Navigation

Many websites out there only focus on desktop users without even thinking about navigation for mobile. Those who do choose to put work into mobile optimization need to remember to optimize navigation of their website on mobile devices. It is very easy to mess up the navigation of a website on those smaller screens used by mobile devices like making certain elements of the website too big and too easily clickable, having elements all bunched together, and much more. All fixtures of your website need to be properly spaced out so it can be scrolled through without any issue on mobile devices.

Bad Typography

Having a bad typography can make it hard for anyone to read the content on your website. This issue is made even worse on the smaller screens that mobile devices use. You need to optimize using properly sized text, easy to see colors, proper spacing, and a font that is easy to read and understand. As long as you focus on having a goo typography on your mobile view, you can ensure that visitors on your website will have no issue reading your content.

Chester, IL mistakes when mobile optimizing website

Ignoring Responsive Design

You want to make sure that your website has good responsive design for mobile view overall. Your website needs to be able to adjust to various different screen sizes in order for anyone to properly use your website from any device. If your website lacks responsive design, visitors will be left trying to figure out how to navigate your website on their device, which depending on device, may make it almost impossible. Non-responsive websites might look great on desktop but on other devices it can be nearly impossible for someone to navigate your website, which will hurt your performance and SEO overall. With good mobile friendly responsive design, your website will perform well in this mobile focused age.

There are many more considerations you have to make when optimizing your website for mobile viewing. If you own a business in the Chester, IL area and our looking for a company who can help build you a mobile optimized website, call Hometown Marketing Group. We provide businesses in Chester and the surrounding communities with a variety of digital marketing services. Call us today to speak to a professional about our various services.



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