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content ideas for Facebook post Swansea, IL

Ideas for Innovative Content to Help Small Business in Swansea, IL to Stand out on Facebook

ideas for content post on Facebook Swansea, IL

Small businesses in the Swansea, IL area should know the importance of having a presence on social media like Facebook. Not only is it important to have your business be on these platforms, you also need to be actively posting innovative and engaging content on a regular basis. There are many different options for what content you can post on Facebook. In this blog post we would like to give you some great ideas that can help you post interesting content to help boost engagement and may even help bring in more business.

User Generated Content

One interesting way to post content is through user generated content. This is content created by users who you have asked and gotten permission to use as your content. It should be related to the products or services that you provide.  One way you can go about this is to ask customers to share photos of them making use of the products you sold them. Another much simpler way is by posting a positive review your customer left for you. User generated content is a good way to show that your business cares about what your audience has to say about your business.

Live Videos

Facebook allows you to create live videos that let you interact with your audience in real-time. You could use this as a way to show off demonstrations of products you sell. You could use it as a Q&A session where your customers ask you questions about your business or services and you answer. Another example would be using live videos to educate your audience about your services or products. This is a powerful way to boost customer engagement.

Seasonal & Holiday Content

As holidays and seasons come up you can create content in order to celebrate the occasion. During these times you can create special offers or discounts on your services and products. You could give seasonal tips to help your customers. For example, if you’re a lawn care professional you could give advice on how to take care of your yard during the wintertime. Creating content around the time of seasons and holidays will help keep your content relevant and boost engagement.


With their permission, you could post a story a customer provides you with about their experience with receiving services from you or a product you provided them with. Highlight how your products or services positively impacted your customers. If you would rather post a story from your business’ prospective you could tell a story about challenges your business has had to overcome and the like. Stories provide a special way to build a deeper connection with your audience that other types of content are not always able to do.

Interactive Content

Post content focused on audience engagement. Run a poll or survey to get feedback from your audience or get their opinion on something related to your business. Quiz your audience on things related to your business. Interactive content can be a great way to educate your audience on the types of products and services that your business provides. Not only that but encouraging engagement is a great way to encourage greater engagement with your audience.

Memes & Humor

Everybody likes a bit of humor. You could post a funny story related to your business or post a meme that is related. Relatable humor can be a successful way to build trust with your audience. Share something relatable to the type of situation that your customer may relate to. We do urge you to keep things professional and not to sway to from content related to your business. Humorous content is a great way to build a deeper connection with your audience and be memorable.

Swansea, IL Facebook post content ideas

Giveaways & Contests

A great way to boost audience interest and engagement is by running giveaways or contests for your audience. Use this as a way to encourage engagement with your audience. Make your contest easy to enter for those who are interested. Also be sure to offer attractive prizes that your audience would be interested in.

There are more types of innovative content than just the types listed here. If you are looking for a marketing company to help your business maintain a strong presence on social media like Facebook, call Hometown Marketing Group. We provide businesses around Swansea, IL and the surrounding communities with social media marketing services and much more. Contact our team today.



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